Fodder Cutter

Fodder Cutter

No. of Discs : 2 or 2
No. of Knifes : 6 or 6
Working Width : 1250 mm or 1650 mm
Tractor HP (PTO) :  540 rpm  or  540 rpm
Tractor HP  : Above 50 HP or  Above 50 HP
Weight  : 180 kg  or  375 kg

SKU: fodder-cutter Category:

A fodder cutter is a type of mechanical cutter that can chop hay or straw into small units. The fodder cutter comes in two forms mainly an electric one while the other one being the manual one. The electric one seems to be more useful. Fodder Cutter is usually compatible with those tractors that are above 50hp of power. This mechanical tool is also used by farmers for the smashing of wheat, corn, potato and cassava as well. Fodder cutters are an important asset for farmers as its absence would lead to the shortage of food for the livestock which in turn would affect their produce adversely. Fodder cutters are available at our online stores and are ready for immediate delivery as well. All you have to do is just hit the contact button.